
Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On this site, the below were always made sure:

1. None of comments had personal comments, only about chess, nothing else was posted
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it is the time, as I have to travel abroad, I won't be able to make it to post to this blog, actually I am unsure, so posting here... However, I will guide you here!, when ever possible.

2. No partiality was shown to any player, as an Indian, my favorite is Anand, but many good players are there like Kramnik/Topalov, Carlsen, Aronian, Moro, and many others. Some are better than Anand, in certain times, or on certain conditions.

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Thanks again!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 9, Aronian clean sweep on Moro!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 9

Leko-Karjakin 1/2-1/2 
Karjakin-Leko 1/2-1/2 

Morozevich-Aronian 0-1 
Aronian-Morozevich 1-0 

Kramnik-Carlsen 1-0 
Carlsen-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 

Anand-Ivanchuk 1/2-1/2 
Ivanchuk-Anand 1-0 

Mamedyarov-Van Wely 0-1 
Van Wely-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2 

Topalov-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 
Gelfand-Topalov 1/2-1/2

Moro dint have luck for his dynamic play, against the extra-precise-player Aronian!
Aronian simply crushed Moro, by attacking Moro and creating a passed pawn which saw Moro's end of the day!
Look at Aronian's Rooks, they were supporting each other well, while Moro's no, that's where Moro's Rook got stuck.
Hallarious attempt was made by Moro to confuse opponent, look at the two pawn move one-one step, it was really hallarious!
Extra-precise-player Aronian clearly stopped, and Moro will look for revenge in the rapid game! Aronian won!

Here is the game!!

In the return game, things looked ok till end game, where Moro gave up a Rook for a Bishop,
definitely this was going to be liability, it was obvious on move 59, where a long-ranged Rook on free ranks & files, looked far better than a max-8-squared Knight.
With Aronian's passed pawn (a pawn that cannot be stopped by opponent's pawn, on its way to Queen itself!) started its way to Queen, Moro resgined, Aronian won!

Here is the game!!

Overall it was Moro's bad day against Aronian!!

Ok, when you come very close to win! ('have been many times), then there needs an extra effort in carefulness.
However when we play and are about to win, we will be so exited as if we already won!, in reality, its reverse! our opponent who is on the verge of loss, has an extra effort in carefulness. So, opponent wins!
This, in the early stages is good, we learn from loss, but when we are at a level where everyone recognises us, there should be some level of determination for winning, should not easily give away, we shud fight, atleast, not we shudn't giveaway as explained above. In simple you lose your fans, and, hard earned name.
Looked like, the same thing happend here! Previously Carlsen beat Anand (in return match, Anand won), this time, he had an excellent chance (atleast looked like) to win on Kramnik
On move 18, Kramnik sacrificed his Bishop for just Carlsen's 2 pawns!. Ofcourse he had 2 passed pawns to feel good!
Looked like it was a mistake later, Carlsen played really like a King, what a game, that too against Kramnik!!
Until move 43 it was real pleasure to watch!, then Carlsen moved his pawn to d6, to hinder Queen's movement, on the next move he had to resign (?????????)
Let's talk about good, Carlsen played wonderfully (as per his name, the Wonder Boy!) till move 43, he made to look, as if, Kramnik will have real bad day!
On the verge of winning, Carlsen gave up the game. I guess he forgot a Knight was there with him, it was very quite, also the passed pawn shud have been attacked immediately.
Real disappointment for a fan like me, lets hope he learns from it. Kramnik will be happy with his win!

Here is the game!!

From move 19, Ivanchuk had a pretty, actually very pretty, forced-attacking-win.
Anand was passive, playing most obvious moves expected by Ivanchuk.
With a pawn up, Ivanchuk was marching to Queen a pawn, Anand knew the result, he gave up! Ivanchuk won!
(Here somehow, there are 2 things to note, one is Anand is smaller in age than Ivanchuk, and second is Anand played no attacking game agaist Ivanchuk.
Shud this be treated as respect for elders isn't clear, but looked so. Ofcourse there is a 3rd reason, this tournament doesn't gain or loose a single rank/rating on FIDE list,, and so we are witnessing many loses by Gaints like Anand, and they look to be don't care in trying different game styles than "being safe" with a draw)

Here is the not-so-much-interesting game!

With the Knight sacrifice it looked like van Wely was too aggressive, but van Wely was cashing on the exposed King and Queen of Mamedyarov
With the pressure of attack, Mamedyarov gave back Knight for 2 pawns. And, suddenly van Wely was up with a pawn.
With thretens on Rook, by Bishop van Wely played on Mamedyarov mind, around move 36, Mamedyarov's King looked trapped!
From move 44, excellently paired Rooks of van Wely, played the game!
On move 73, it looked like mate in 2 or 3 or max 4 (is it?). Mamedyarov knew, he gave up! van Wely won!

Here is the game!!

All Games:
Official Report:

Monday, March 24, 2008

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Free day!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament

March 24th is a free day!

Tournament will resume on March 25th, Tuesday!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 8, Carlsen clean sweep again!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 8

Aronian-Anand 1-0 
Anand-Aronian 1/2-1/2 

Carlsen-Mamedyarov 1-0 
Mamedyarov-Carlsen 0-1 

Karjakin-Topalov 1/2-1/2 
Topalov-Karjakin 1-0 

Van Wely-Leko 0-1 
Leko-Van Wely 1/2-1/2 

Gelfand-Morozevich 1/2-1/2 
Morozevich-Gelfand 1-0 

Ivanchuk-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 
Kramnik-Ivanchuk 1/2-1/2

Looked like, Anand was "too slow" in the game, and, by move 26, he gave up a Rook for a Knight
Definitely because he is Anand, he is allowed, though not recommended for other good chess players, exceptions are Moro & Topalov
But, all Aronian has to do is trade Queens, to get a better end game! He duely did, by attacking Anand's "very quite" Queen.
And, the lead was more evident when all the dust settled by move 50, where 2 Rooks had been gaints over the Bishop & Rook.
Though Anand had an extra pawn, Aronian has an passed pawn. Anand resigned. Aronian won!

Here is the game!!

Furious calculated (as he won!) attack by Carlsen!!
By move 21, Mamedyarov was up by 1 pawn!
Mamedyarov without an uncalculated (as he lost!) aggressive plan, sacrified a Bishop for a pawn and attacking opportunity.
Here Mamedyarov would have seen a chance to build another Queen, as Carlsen had a extra Rook for 3 pawns of Mamedyarov in which 2 are passed pawns (pawns that cannot be stopped by opponent's pawn).
Probably can we say, what Mamedyarov would have forgotten was Carlsen won on Anand itself, in just last round, it was his 1st ever win on Anand, so it is 'quite obvious' that Carlsen's confidence would be at peak!
Mamedyarov lost focus of his plan, if it was long seen, and gave chance to Carlsen, Carlsen tried to trade Queen's of the Board (Looked like, Mamedyarov shud have taken it), but got into pressure, and ran his Queen away from the Battle field
Rusult was obvious, as Carlsen gets a continuous chance to check Mamedyarov's Queen, and take away the extra pawns, also if possible Queen can be forked (?), or atleast exchanged.
With the Rook up, it will be matter of seconds for Carlsen. Mamedyarov gave up, probably also realising his aggressive plan was mistake, i.e; against Carlsen. Carlsen won!!

Here is the game!!

In the Rapid round however, Mamedyarov was cooly playing, with no aggression (was this "extra careful nature" the reason for losing, this time?)
By move 31, Carlsen was in Mamedyarov's King's territory! This shud be seen a pitiable position, as King can be continuously attacked!
With a lot of checks on Mamedyarov's King, Carlsen also got into a position where he can make Mamedyarov out of play.
When Mamedyarov was sure there wont be much to play as his Queen is ackwardly positioned, and to free it in time, he has to sacrifice material, he gave up!, Carlsen won!

Here is the game!!

Hillariously, van Wely was thinking something that is out-side chess. Not much to say, he gave his Rook for free, to pack to home!
With a Rook down, playing against van Wely is a kid's game for Rock Solid Leko, van Wely too knew it, gave the game for free, Leko took it!

Here is the game!!

Karjakin allowed Topalov invade his Kingdom, and by move 35, he duely lost a Knight as the Queen was overburdended.
After the Queen's got traded on move 46, Krajakin was with a Rook, while Topalov was with Knight & Bishop, rest equal.
Slowly, Topalov played more than 50 more moves, and made evident that 2:1 majority is real indeed.
With a passed pawn, Topalov would soon Queen it. Karjakin resigned, Topalov won! with a high fighting spirit.

Here is the game!!

Strange enough, one of the dynamic player, plays standard moves, and, the standard player plays strange moves.
Yes, the move is Castling, Moro does it as early as move 10, Gelfand puts it pending till 26th move, still doesnt do to to situation, and, in 2 more moves, the game isn't there, for Gelfand (??)

Here is the game!!

All Games:
Official Report:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This site has seen 1000 page impressions, in its 1st 2 months!!, from true visitors like you!!!

It gives me a lot pride & pleasure, to announce, that this very new blog site had seen 1000 page impressions, from good visitors like you!!, a definite a good achievement, in its infancy, the 1st 2 months!!

I hope you are enjoying this site, as much as I do in posting!

Thanks a ton for you true visitors!!!

 if you have a wish, to see, on this site, then wish here!!

(The above "Make a Wish" link can be seen/ accessed on the left side of each page, under "My Favorite Links"!)

Thanks a lot again!!!


Chess That I Am Watching Now


17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 7, Aronian leads!!!, Moro wins!!, Anand & Carlsen win on each!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 7

Morozevich-Ivanchuk 1-0
Ivanchuk-Morozevich 1/2-1/2 

Kramnik-Van Wely 1/2-1/2 
Van Wely-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 

Leko-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 
Gelfand-Leko 1/2-1/2 

Mamedyarov-Karjakin 1/2-1/2 
Karjakin-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2 

Topalov-Aronian 1/2-1/2 
Aronian-Topalov 1-0

Anand-Carlsen 1-0
Carlsen-Anand 1-0

Too much aggressive plan from Ivanchuk to sacrifice Queen was hit too hard by Morozevich that in 3 more moves Ivanchuk called it a day! Moro won!

Here is the game!

Vishy Anand started the game in a very attacking way, let his passed pawn till last rank but 1, just awaiting to Queen, to save it, he scarified 2 more pawns! Carlsen has no option to give up material, Bishop, so as to stop the pawn to be Queen’ed!, this went into an end game where Anand was up Bishop more, both had a Knight and 2 pawns, the game was clear win for Anand, Carlsen resigned, Anand won!!

Here is the game!

In the Rapid game, it was extraordinary fighting game, both side were tactical and solid, however when endgame reached, Carlsen came up with a pawn more! Looked like Anand allowed Carlsen’s pawn go straight without any hurdles, and with King’s backup Carlsen din’t give a chance to Anand, Anand’s overloaded Rook weakness was evident and Anand resigned, Carlsen won!! Great game, I think, for Carlsen, it would have been, “YA, ATLAST I WON ON ANAND!!” feeling (sorry for the use of Capital letters, but it was excitement as the very young Carlsen’s first ever victory on Anand!, yes news is confirmed!!!, and he lost so many near-to-victory games with Anand)

Here is the game!

Looked like it was Topalov, who was giving up his game to Aronian, he gave 3 pawns for nothing, as at some point there is no attack position gained for him. Also Topalov’s Queen has been some-what stuck for sometime, also looked like, he was losing his Knight soon. Topalov gave up by himself, Aronian won.

Here is the game!

All Games:
Official Report:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 6, Vishy Anand & Moro win!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 6

Karjakin-Anand 0-1 
Anand-Karjakin 1/2-1/2 

Aronian-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2 
Mamedyarov-Aronian 1/2-1/2 

Carlsen-Topalov 1/2-1/2 
Topalov-Carlsen 1/2-1/2 

Ivanchuk-Leko 1/2-1/2 
Leko-Ivanchuk 1/2-1/2 

Van Wely-Morozevich 0-1 
Morozevich-Van Wely 1/2-1/2 

Gelfand-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 
Kramnik-Gelfand 1/2-1/2

Anand was too heavy for Karjakin, after an excellent tactic Karjakin gave up his Queen for a Rook & Knight
Looked as if, for a formality sake of fighting, Karjakin played 5 more moves, and saw there are 2 more moves (2 more checks) then game is over, so gave up! Anand easily won!!!

Here is the game!!

Morozevich as always plays dynamically, or differently!, d4 on the 3rd move without taking back, looks rare move.
Van Wely tried his best to be up with a pawn, and took one more pawn move 16, only to find, a pawn from Moro's territory came all the way to Van Wely King and freed Moro's Black Rook, a hidden attack from there!
Strangely though, the same, also blocked Van Wely's Black Bishop which went to take a pawn is trapped with Moro's 2 pawns, and became out of play.
After 6 more moves, there are a bunch of attackers on Van Wely's King, a trademark attacking by Moro, Van Wely gave up!, Moro won!!

Here is the game!!

All Games:  
Official Report:

Friday, March 21, 2008

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17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 5 & 6 games updated in the previous posts!!

Round 4 & Round 5 Analysis & Games are updated!!! (below/ previous posts!!!)

To see the Analysis & Games together!!

See the earlier/previous posts...


Follow the below links!!

Round 5:

Round 4:

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 5, Vishy Anand lost & then bounced back!!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 5

Topalov-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 
Kramnik-Topalov 1-0 

Leko-Mamedyarov 1-0 
Mamedyarov-Leko 1/2-1/2 

Morozevich-Anand 1-0 
Anand-Morozevich 1-0 

Carlsen-Gelfand 1-0 
Gelfand-Carlsen 1/2-1/2 

Ivanchuk-Aronian 1/2-1/2 
Aronian-Ivanchuk 1-0 

Van Wely-Karjakin 1/2-1/2 
Karjakin-Van Wely 1-0
With a timely sacrifice of Queen, Kramnik has gained a furious attack against Topalov.
This game doesn't need explanation, Kramnik had played such wonderfully!!!!!

Here is the game!!

Leko had played solid again...!!! this time against Mamedyarov!
Mamedyarov attack dint succeed, and Leko attack furious enough to make Mamedyarov give up, Leko won!

Here is the game!!

Same old story with Anand, nothing is learnt from previous game, guess he should read this blog (can we say this?, ofcourse not, castling is imp. he knows it, only there will be a time, when we try to "experiment")
Same no castling, so immediate loss to Anand (?????)
Moro have analysed how Anand can easily give away his game, if he denies his castling!
Also, great "pinning" (nothing can move) strategy employed on Anand's uncastled (unsafe) King!
Moro easily... won!!! in just 29 moves!
(By the way, the "experiment" word used above is quoted, as this is best tournament to "experiment"
why so? Simple, this tournament is said to not gaining/losing rating points, in simple, it doesn't matter what outcome of the games are, as FIDE ( doesnt rate these games at all, due to its rules, so no rating points gained/lost, no ranking gained/lost, so "experiment" is perfect time! however the lesser opponents "gain" confidence)

Here is the game!!

Yes, in Rapid round however!
Anand exchanged the Queens! (which means 70% castling is not the main problem)
Moro attacked, with too many Pieces that are not backed up! and paid the price by giving full Knight.
Now, with full Knight down, playing against Anand is almost impossible, winning we can forget!
By move 35, Moro had a almost trapped Knight which doesn't have a good place to go, a Knight down, and Anand had 2 passed pawns up.
Enough problems, Moro gave up, Anand won!

Here is the game!!

Queen exchange gave a pinned Bishop to Galfand, Carlsen cashed it!
Carlsen had a passed pawn (that cant be stopped by opponent's pawn) which can easily become a Queen!!
To release pinned Bishop, Galfand has to give up a full Rook, for nothing.
Also Gelfand had his King stuck in the 8 rank
Looked like, all the problems started with giving away of B file to Carlsen's Rook!
All these, Gelfand had enough problems to resign. Carlsen won!!!

Here is the game!!

Looked like, over enthusiastic play from Ivanchuk, move 38, Queen to g3, allowing Aronian's pawn on A file.
Pretty easy win for Aronian!

Here is the game!!

At first look, it looked as if Karjakin played extraordinarily, but in actual Van Wely played very very bad (???)
After Karjakin sacrificied his Knight, looked like, Van Wely shud have been a little cool, as later
Van Wely King is denied of Castling which also trapped his Rook! and King is so openly exposed and it was more than obvious that a deadly attack would follow
Also, 20th move, pawn to a5, instead of h pawn takes g pawn, or something better could have been some active play? unsure though!
Though Van Wely was up by a Knight, he could do anything, as his peices lacked coordination (no, not at all developed, or shud we say not at all moved???), and he gave up, Karjakin won!

Here is the game!!

All Games: 
Official Report:

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Yifan Hou winner!!! Cramling Pia runner!!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, has concluded!

Yifan Hou has won the tournament, and Cramling followed.

Here are the standings after Round 9!
Rank Title Name Rating Country Points
1 WGM Yifan Hou 2527 CHN 7
2 GM Cramling Pia 2524 SWE 6
3 WGM Xue Zhao 2517 CHN 5½
4 IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408 TUR 5
5 IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470 GEO 4½
6 GM Chen Zhu 2548 QAT 4
7 IM Dronavalli Harika 2455 IND 4
8 IM Krush Irina 2473 USA 3½
9 IM Ushenina Anna 2484 UKR 3
10 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207 TUR 2½

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Rest day!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament

March 19, Wednesday, is a free day!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 4, Vishy Anand lost (??) in Rapid round (??)

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 4

Gelfand-Van Wely 0-1 
Van Wely-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 

Karjakin-Ivanchuk 1/2-1/2 
Ivanchuk-Karjakin 1-0 

Aronian-Carlsen 1/2-1/2 
Carlsen-Aronian 0-1 

Kramnik-Morozevich 1-0 
Morozevich-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 

Anand-Leko 1/2-1/2 
Leko-Anand 1-0 

Mamedyarov-Topalov 0-1 
Topalov-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2
Uhhh...!!! the cunning chess player... Van Wely!!! 
His cunningness, this time, has seen Gelfand loss. 
Of course,
Gelfand gave up his King's safety, and had to play the price, when Van Wely sacrificed his Rook for a lesser Piece, and had a strong attack,
Gelfand gave up the game too! Slowly but surely Van Wely is gaining back for what is known!!

Here is the game!!

Ivanchuk, on his Birthday, beat the younger Krajakin!
Not sure, if Krajakin did keep his cool, after Ivanchuk gave away a well-calculated Queen sacrifice!!
This is real cool figthing spirit by Ivanchuk (he is known for his desire for a win)
Krajakin did give up his Queen, and after dust settled, by move 27, he has got Rook for Ivanchuk's Knight, but, but, but, Ivanchuk got 3 extra pawns, which is really good!
Then it came to 5 pawns for Ivanchuk, verus, no pawns for Krajakin. Krajakin could forsee the fate, gave up, Ivanchuk won with ease, and in Style, with Queen sacrifice, on his Birthday!!!

Here is the game!!

Aronian hit the right weak spot in Carlsen's territory!!, on 26th move, with Rook to a3!!
With this move, Aronian's Rook held busy Carlsen's both Bishop & Rook, for a long time!
Tough looked equal in material, Carlsen dint have counter play, he tried Rook to a3, only to see, there would be a check on the next move, and his Rook will be out of chess board!
He resigned, Aronian won!!

Here is the game!!

By move 34, obviously Kramnik is ahead by 1 pawn, and also, he had two passed pawns (pawns that cannot be stopped by opponent's pawn!)
So, the win looked obvious for Kramnik, and in the end Moro attacked like-any-thing to Queen his pawn by sacrificing both Bishop & Knight, but it was the end-game-master Kramnik at the other end. Obvious, with Material up Kramnik won!!!

Here is the game!!

This Round isn't good for Dr. Dr. Dr. Viswanathan Anand! (yes, Anand is said to have recieved his 3rd!!! Honorary Doctorate, last month!)
In the earlier post (below link), we mentioned Leko is a "solid player", this is again proved!
So, Anand lost to, long time considered the most solid player, Leko!!!
This time, Leko beat Vishy Anand!!!! (though we shud say, it was Anand's who gave it up, for free).
Just after Loko played, Anand gave up the game, as he is going to loose a piece, which he missed to see!
Actualy, this is a classic lesson on what will happen when we deny our own King's castling (safety)
Anand himself denied King castling by moving his King on move 15, let's not talk if he is right or wrong! as he is Anand!
It only that, he looked like, wanted to move his King to safety, just a step away, but there were no more moves! Leko won!!
Anand's 1st loss, that too in a Rapid game, in which he is considered to be a King!!, also he would have just overlooked for a split second, as he would always draw if something looks suspicious to him!
Anyway, with this simple loss, Anand lost his 1st place in both Rapid/Blind and combined.

Here is the game!!

Topalov invaded Mamedyarov's kingside, in a usual very attacking way,  
After Topalov took a pawn with Knight, Mamedyarov dint take it
(otherwise Topalov will take the Bishop too!, and Mamedyarov will be spectator as he can't take it with pawn!) 
Real cool trick, Mamedyarov missed to see, saw the game ending!

Here is the game!!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 3, Upsets Galore!!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament

Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 3

Mamedyarov-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 
Kramnik-Mamedyarov 0-1 

Topalov-Anand 1/2-1/2 
Anand - Topalov 1/2-1/2 

Leko-Morozevich 1/2-1/2 
Morozevich-Leko 0-1 

Aronian-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 
Gelfand-Aronian 1-0 

Carlsen-Karjakin 1-0 
Karjakin-Carlsen 1-0 

Van Wely-Ivanchuk 1/2-1/2
Ivanchuk-Van Wely 0-1

Great upset was Kramnik losing to Mamedyarov!!!

Until move 20, in what looked like a dead equal game,
is thown away (???) by Kramnik, sacrificing his Bishop, assuming he can win back.
This proved to be severe overconfidence on Kramnik's part,
as Mamedyarov crushed him in 20 more moves, slowly but surely!
What a game it was!!!

Here is the game!!

Anand couldn't force a win on Topalov!, both Blindfold & Rapid ended with draws.
In Rapid game, felt Anand could have played 29th move as Rd4 (Rook to d4 sqaure), but we can't assume Anand didn't get it, he is genious, and suggestion may be an obvious one!

Here is the game!!

Ok! another upset (not really) was Morozevich losing to Leko!. Not really because Leko is a solid player, only these days he isnt playing at his peak!
You can't really win on the Mighty Moro, but Leko's solid play became very heavy on dynamic play of Moro, this time.

Here is the game!!

Seeing his extraordinary performances this year and his rating, Carlsen shud win on Karjakin, he did in the 1st game!
However, it was Karjakin who won on Carlsen in the Rapid game, yes, this is an upset.

Here is the game!!

Lastly Ivanchuk, most experienced in Top 10 (may be Top 100?), has lost to much low rated, but very cunning (in chess), Van Wely!
Van Wely! slowly gained a pawn in the middle, gave it back for strong attack against Ivanchuk, later slowly gripped on the game, and took 2 pawns!
With not much counter play left, and 2 pawns down, one passed pawn to become Queen with certainity, Ivanchuk resigned, Van Wely won!!

Here is the game!!


Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 6 & 7, Cramling Pia & Yifan Hou lead!! Atalik Ekaterina follow!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

(Not surprisingly, this tournament is overlooked as another Super tournament, 17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, has started, where great guns like Anand, Moro, Topalov are playing, ofcourse it's difficult to say Kramnik is doing great, with 2 loses already ??)

Ok Round 6!

Chen Zhu (2548), after a series of losses, slowly got her confidence back, and won on Xue Zhao (2517), in the Round 6! It's a good sign, but can she reach to Top? All depends on how others perform!

Round 7

After Round 7, Cramling Pia with her huge experience & Yifan Hou with her extraordinary talent, are leading the tournament now.

Also, these are the only un-beaten players till now!

Rank Title Name Rating Place Points
1 GM CRAMLING Pia 2524 SWE 5½
2 WGM YIFAN Hou 2527 CHN 5½

3 IM ATALIK Ekaterina 2408 TUR 5
4 WGM XUE Zhao 2517 CHN 3½
5 IM DRONAVALLI Harika 2455 IND 3½
6 IM KRUSH Irina 2473 USA 3
8 WIM YILDIZ Betul Cemre 2207 TUR 2½
9 GM CHEN Zhu 2548 QAT 2
10 IM USHENINA Anna 2484 UKR 1½

Monday, March 17, 2008

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament, Round 2, Anand Rocks!!

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament

Each round has 2 games
Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game

Round 2

Ivanchuk-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 
Gelfand-Ivanchuk 0-1 (an obvious result)

Van Wely-Carlsen 0-1 (an obvious result)
Carlsen-Van Wely 1-0 (an obvious result)

Karjakin-Aronian 1/2-1/2 
Aronian-Karjakin 1-0 (an obvious result)

Kramnik-Leko 1/2-1/2 
Leko-Kramnik 0-1 (an obvious result)

Morozevich -Topalov 1-0
Topalov-Morozevich 1-0

Anand-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2 
Mamedyarov-Anand 0-1  
an obvious result, means
the lost player is not doing good, and with lower confidence, he is playing against a stong player
so, an obvious result

Taking about Morozevich & Topalov's matches
Both are dynamic players
these are who dont follow rules, the so-called-general-rules, they break all the basic rules, thats where they get an edge over other
Last year, in the world championship, Morozevich crushed Kramnik. And Previously, Topalov crushed THE GAINT Kasparov!
Both however, have to prove their themselves against Anand, the one who is calm, but very very solid player (as you will see in this tournament too, as Anand declared/wished he wants to win ALL tournaments of the year, already he beat Kramnik with my mind blowing tactics in the previous round) - you can find it in the below/previous post )

So, Morozevich is the one who will try to win at any cost, and first, he did the same here!
And, Topalov said to perform later (in general at the end of the tournament), here he being lost in Blind, had to win Rapid to gain his self-respect back, he duely did!
The games, we better dont analyze (due to their dynamic play, and out of basic rule play), but just in case you want to see them, its here! (but don't forget chess)

In the Anand & Mamedyarov's there are two places where it blows our mind, due to the deep tactics, including 31 ... Rc3 and the ending, it is as if the end is very long & isn't yet over, but Mamedyarov already realised he is gone, gave up, Anand won!, here is the game!!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Round 1, Amber chess, A Big Analysis report updated in the previous post!!

A Big Detailed Analysis is updated on Round 1 of Amber chess in the previous/below post!!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Anand !!! won on Kramnik (??)..... Round 1, Amber Chess ( Updated with a Big analysis report! )

17th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament,     has started!!!

Each round has 2 games, one Blindfold game (normal game), and, a Rapid game (a fast game)

Round 1

Hillariously, (may be obvious), I couldn't understand the genious Anand's game, who won on Kramnik, by sacrificing a pawn, then another, then a Bishop, then the Kramnik realised (?? otherwise he would have played different) he lost the game.

Now even, feels the game isn't over, and looks as if the game has equal chances, but Anand won!

To the world & Kramnik, this game resminds, yet another time on why Anand is said to be Genious! What a game!

Here is the game!!!

If you have not understood how Anand would win the above game, here is the answer:
Kramnik can't stop Anand putting a check with Rook, if Kramnik takes the Rook with Bishop, Anand would take it back with Another Rook. The game is over, sooner or a little later, this is in-evitable! That's where Anand's guniousness exists!

Aronian won his rapid game against Van Wely, while Wely was picking up pawns (????)

Looked like, Leko annoyed by Topalov's doubled rooks, and an active Bishop, sacrificed a pawn for counter play, but the Topalov's evolved extra pawn from Lekos sacrificed one, became a  passed pawn that can potentionally be promoted to a Queen, with cramped position, and King stuck, Leko gave up, Topalov won!!! Considered to be Solid player, for Leko, this year isn't good to remember as he dint do well last tournament too this year!

Here is the game!!

24th move of Carlsen gave Ivanchuk an open file (A file) where Ivanchuk's Rook ruled him for sometime, then Carlsen lost a pawn, later Carlsen compromised his Kings safety, the Ivanchuk's  extra was about to promote to a Queen, so Carlsen sacrified his Bishop, but in Vain, Ivanchuk won! Solid performance by Ivanchuk!

Here is the game!!!

Move 42, looked more strategic move, by Karjakin. This looks, involves a Rook sacrifice, making opponent Queen out of main play ground, continuously checking the opponent's queen, and gaining back marterial Bishop by force, also may be Rook later by pinning it to the King, some 10+ move caliculation, thats really great move. All this stated because, Gefand compromised King's safety at move 14 in chasing away Karjakin's Bishop. By constant pressure from Karjakin, Galfand's game fell apart. Karjakin won!!!

Here is the game!!!

Blindfold game (say, BG) - a normal game
Rapid game (say, RG) - a fast game, moves are to be played faster than in normal game
Anand-Kramnik 1/2-1/2 BG
Kramnik-Anand 0-1 RG

Mamedyarov-Morozevich 1/2-1/2 BG
Morozevich-Mamedyarov 1/2-1/2 RG

Topalov-Leko 1-0 BG
Leko-Topalov 1/2-1/2 RG

Gelfand-Karjakin 0-1 BG
Karjakin-Gelfand 1/2-1/2 RG

Carlsen-Ivanchuk 0-1 BG
Ivanchuk-Carlsen 1/2-1/2 RG

Aronian-Van Wely 1/2-1/2 BG
Van Wely-Aronian 0-1 RG

So, Overall winners of Round 1 are:

Anand won on Kramnik,
Topalov on Leko,
Karjakin on Gelfand,
Ivanchuk on Carlsen, and
Aronian on Van Wely

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 5, 3 wins!, Chen Zhu din't loose!!!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

Round 5

At last, Chen Zhu holds on with a draw!!!

Title Name Rating Result-Result Title Name Rating
IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470 0.5-0.5 GM Chen Zhu 2548
IM Ushenina Anna 2484 0-1 IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408
WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207 1-0 IM Krush Irina 2473
GM Cramling Pia 2524 1-0 IM Dronavalli Harika 2455
WGM Yifan Hou 2527 0.5-0.5 WGM Xue Zhao 2517

Though age doesn't matter in chess, but just the intellect,
1991 born Dronavalli Harika is crushed by the experience of 1963 born Cramling Pia!

For game reply, click on "View PGN" link, after clicking on the below link:,com_turnuva/task,show/dosya,11/Itemid,11/lang,en/

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 4, 1 win!, all draws(?)

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

Round 4

Chen Zhu lost 4 games in a row (??) - Nightmare tournament continues for her.
This time she lost to the youngest Yifan Hou!!
She simply fell into mating net of Yifan Hou.
Looks like, now it is playing on her mind, with loss of confidence, Chen Zhu is losing all games. A 4/4 loss is a very rare scene, at this level.
Also, Chen Zhu, with 2548, is the highest rating player in this tournaments, just adds more and more pressure with each loss.
The tournament is mostly out of her hand, lets wish her confidence be back to atleast stop losing for she would loose a lot of rating points in this 1 tournament.

Here is the game!

While all remaining games are drawn,
with this round's easy win, Yifan Hou!! has move to 1st place!!!


Title Name Rating Result-Result Title Name Rating
GM Chen Zhu 2548 0-1 WGM Yifan Hou 2527
WGM Xue Zhao 2517 0.5-0.5 GM Cramling Pia 2524
IM Dronavalli Harika 2455 0.5-0.5 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207
IM Krush Irina 2473 0.5-0.5 IM Ushenina Anna 2484
IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408 0.5-0.5 IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 3, 3 win!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

Round 3

Chen Zhu lost 3 games in a row (??) - should be a Nightmare tournament, very bad game.
After Queen's were exchanged, it looked like Chen Zhu was better.
On move 52, instead of King to C3, Rook to B5 looked to have been better chances than the actually played.
Looked very passive in the end game, and costed her game.

Here is the game!

Harika looked like played very good moves in the middle game, won her game!!

Here is the game!!

Godo game by Xue Zhao!


Title Name Rating Result-Result Title Name Rating
IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408 1-0 GM Chen Zhu 2548
IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470 0.5-0.5 IM Krush Irina 2473
IM Ushenina Anna 2484 0-1 IM Dronavalli Harika 2455
WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207 0-1 WGM Xue Zhao 2517
GM Cramling Pia 2524 0.5-0.5 WGM Yifan Hou 2527


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 2, four win!!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

Round 2

Chen Zhu lost 2 games in a row (?)
This time too, she lost to a lower rated opponent Cramling Pia!!
The result could be foreseen in halfway of the game!
Looked as if, no real plan, just wandering (?)
Having lost already to Irina Krush, looks like lost confidence too.

What is Fork, in chess?
Here is a classic example!
Yifan Hou has won on a much low rated player Yildiz Betul Cemre, with a hidden fork!
(As the Black queen takes the new White Queen, the White Knight checks the black queen, forking black Queen! Game ends!!)

Here is the game!!

Now, here is the confident one.
Harika won! on higher rated opponent!!
Losing last round terribly dint hinder Harika, end game was played and won with extreme ease!
With this win, she is back in game! Lets wish!

Here are the results!

Title Name Rating Points - Points Title Name Rating
GM Chen Zhu 2548 0-1 GM Cramling Pia 2524
WGM Yifan Hou 2527 1-0 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207
WGM Xue Zhao 2517 1-0 IM Ushenina Anna 2484
IM Dronavalli Harika 2455 1-0 IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470
IM Krush Irina 2473 0.5-0.5 IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408
Again, most won on higher rated opponents!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reykjavik Open 2008, Wang Hao, Stefansson Hannes and Wang Yue tie for the 1st place!!!

Reykjavik Open 2008 

Round 9

Halkias Stelios fell into a forced mate in 4 moves, after an overlook, in the endgame, against Wang Yue!. Wang Yue  duely won and became top 3!!

Rank Title Name Rating Flags Points
1. GM Wang Hao 2665 CHN 7.0
2. GM Stefansson Hannes 2564 ISL 7.0
3. GM Wang Yue 2698 CHN 7.0
4. GM Kveinys Aloyzas 2521 LTU 6.5
5. GM Caruana Fabiano 2598 ITA 6.5
6. GM Meier Georg 2580 GRE 6.5
Rank Title Name Rating Points 
13 FM Grover Sahaj 2242 6.0
24 IM Tania Sachdev 2417 5.0
56 FM Narayanan Srinath 2210 4.0

As can be seen Grover Sahaj is going great in this tournament!!


Ataturk Women Masters Chess, Round 1, All results!

Ataturk Women Masters Chess

Round 1

It started yesterday.
Round 1 had seen all results! No draws!

Here are the results!

Rank Title Name Rating Points - Points Title Name Rating Rank
1 IM Krush Irina 2473 1 - 0 GM Chen Zhu 2548 10
2 IM Atalik Ekaterina 2408 1 - 0 IM Dronavalli Harika 2455 9
3 IM Javakhishvili Lela 2470 1 - 0 WGM Xue Zhao 2517 8
4 IM Ushenina Anna 2484 0 - 1 WGM Yifan Hou 2527 7
5 WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre 2207 0 - 1 GM Cramling Pia 2524 6

In the 1st 3 games, lower rated players won!! on higher rated players.

All results! Good games. Some obvious poor play & blunders.

However, worth mentioning good lesson game here:

Looked like, Harika dint have a good day. It all seemed as if her plan was to get a Rook for the opponent's Bishop, by loosing all the pawns, for the end game.
Looked like, this is classic example of a wrong plan, by "over extending" pawns, 13th & 16th moves ?. This kind of plans are seen in very high rated players, but are calculated. May be she isn't ready to take on Vishy Anand! yet.
She was defeated by lower rated opponent, and this defeat Harika wont be forgetting in the near furure.

Here is the game!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reykjavik Open 2008, Round 8, Wang Hao & Stefansson Hannes leads!! four others follow!

Reykjavik Open 2008 

Round 8

Rank Title Name Rating Flags Points
1. GM Wang Hao 2665 CHN 6.5
2. GM Stefansson Hannes 2564 ISL 6.5
3. GM Caruana Fabiano 2598 ITA 6.0 
4. GM Wang Yue 2698 CHN 6.0
5. GM Halkias Stelios 2580 GRE 6.0
6. GM Kveinys Aloyzas 2521 LTU 6.0 
Rank Title Name Rating Points 
21 FM Grover Sahaj 2242 5.0 
26 IM Tania Sachdev 2417 4.5 
56 FM Narayanan Srinath 2210 3.5 

Grover Sahaj won on a much higher rated opponent. Tania & Narayanan lost their games to higher rated opponents.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Reykjavik Open 2008, Round 7, Wang Hao leads!! Stefansson Hannes & Wang Yue follow!

Reykjavik Open 2008

Round 7

In the recent times, I haven't heard Caruana Fabiano being defeated.

Surprisingly, Wang Hao deafeated Caruana Fabiano with ease in just 27 moves!!!! Must watch attacking game!

Excellent learning given by Wang Hao, to Caruana Fabiano, on what happens if you attack by compromising your own king safety (??) without castling the King.

With this loss, Caruna is now pushed to 5.0 points, out of top 3 positions! 

Rank Title Name Rating Flags Points
1 GM Wang Hao 2665 CHN 6.0
2 GM Stefansson Hannes 2564 ISL 5.5
3 GM Wang Yue 2698 CHN 20s0 5.5
Rank Title Name Rating Points
21 IM Tania Sachdev 2417 4.5
38 FM Grover Sahaj 2242 4.0
46 FM Narayanan Srinath 2210 3.0

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Reykjavik Open 2008, Round 6, Fabiano, Hao, Stefansson Hannes & Yue lead!

Reykjavik Open 2008

It's in progress, ofcourse overshadowed by the Linares super tournament, where, The King, Vishy Anand won it!

Ok, here are the Top "player list" for Reykjavik Open 2008!

Title Name Place Rating
GM Wang Yue CHN 2698
GM Wang Hao CHN 2665
GM Mikhalevski Victor ISR 2632
GM Malakhatko Vadim BEL 2600
GM Caruana Fabiano ITA 2598
(this guy has shown really impressive performance in recent past, looks calm but isn't on the chess board!)

Indians are:
IM Tania Sachdev IND 2417 (famously known as the glamour girl, but has a better chess play)
FM Grover Sahaj IND 2242 (Playing well in this tournament)
FM Narayanan Srinath IND 2210 (played very solid in the recent tournaments)

Ok so, here are the
Standings after 6 rounds
Rank Title Name Rating Place Points
1 GM Caruana Fabiano 2598 ITA 5.0
2 GM Wang Hao 2665 CHN 5.0
3 GM Stefansson Hannes 2564 ISL 5.0
4 GM Wang Yue 2698 CHN 5.0
Indians - Playing respectably well for their ratings.
Rank Title Name Rating Points
23 IM Tania Sachdev 2417 3.5
45 FM Narayanan Srinath 2210 3.0
49 FM Grover Sahaj 2242 3.0

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament - Anand winner!!, Carlsen runner!

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament 

Congratulations  to  Anand ! ! !  - Winner of Linares-Morelia 2008!

Anand won the tournament being clear 1st, with 8.5!! from 14 rounds.

Carlsen did fought hard only to settle with Radjabov, but the young lad is clear 2nd!

Round 14

Anand, Viswanathan vs. Topalov, Veselin, ½-½
Leko, Peter vs. Aronian, Levon, ½-½
Carlsen, Magnus vs. Radjabov, Teimour, ½-½
Shirov, Alexei vs. Ivanchuk, Vassily, ½-½

1. Vishy Anand, 8.5
2. Carlsen, 8.0
3-4. Aronian & Topalov, 7.5
5. Radjabov, 7
6. Vassily Ivanchuk, 6.5
7-8. Leko & Shirov, 5.5

Friday, March 7, 2008

25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess, Round 13, Topalov & Radjabov win!, Anand maintains lead by 1/2 point!

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament 

Round 13

Radjabov - Shirov 1-0
Topalov - Leko 1-0
Ivanchuk - Anand ½-½
Aronian - Carlsen ½-½

1. Vishy Anand, 8.0 (as expected settled for draw, but Carlsen too did the same, now Anand is forced to win, or to settle for a draw, only after he sees Carlsen has drawn his game, that means, playing slowly!, is this possible? but winning against Topalov is equally difficult!, what?)
2. Carlsen, 7.5
3. Aronian, 7.0
4. Topalov, 7.0
5. Radjabov, 6.5
6. Vassily Ivanchuk, 6.0
7-8. Leko & Shirov, 5.0


Thursday, March 6, 2008

25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess, 5th March, Rest day

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament 

5th March is rest day. Just 2 more rounds to go!

Round 12 standings:
1. Vishy Anand, 7.5
2. Carlsen, 7.0
3. Aronian, 6.5
4. Topalov, 6.0
5-6. Radjabov & Vassily Ivanchuk, 5.5
7-8. Leko & Shirov, 5.0
Round 13 schedule:
Ivanchuk, Vassily vs. Anand, Viswanathan
Radjabov, Teimour vs. Shirov, Alexei
Aronian, Levon vs. Carlsen, Magnus
Topalov, Veselin vs. Leko, Peter
Round 14 schedule:
Anand, Viswanathan vs. Topalov, Veselin
Leko, Peter vs. Aronian, Levon
Carlsen, Magnus vs. Radjabov, Teimour
Shirov, Alexei vs. Ivanchuk, Vassily

Can Carlsen catch Anand?

Anand might be forced to win, but he would have to play the tough Topalov! & the more experienced Ivanchuk!
Anand might be fine with Ivanchuk, looks like it would be a draw. But Topalov is a dangerous attacking player who recently won on Kramnik (?) with his attacking preparation!

Carlsen also has 2 tough opponents next 2 rounds, Radjabov & Aronian
Very difficult to win on Radjabov, and if lost while trying to win on Aronian, Aronian may go ahead of him!

Considering if Anand gets 2 draws (if both Topalov & Ivanchuk respect Anand without fighting), Carlsen can only be a contender for him.
If Anand looses one game, then Carlsen, Aronian & Topalov would have a chance.

I guess Anand will try 2 draws first, and let Carlsen loose one game by himself.
But after 11th round, if Anand senses someone is catching up, may be he will need to win, that would be an exiting last round!

no option, but to wait and see! what?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess, Round 12, Carlsen! won on Topalov!, decreases Anand's lead to half point

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament 

Round 12

Carlsen - Topalov 1-0
Shirov - Aronian ½-½
Anand - Leko ½-½
Ivanchuk - Radjabov ½-½

1. Vishy Anand, 7.5
2. Carlsen, 7.0
3. Aronian, 6.5
4. Topalov, 6.0
5-6. Radjabov & Vassily Ivanchuk, 5.5
7-8. Leko & Shirov, 5.0


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess, Round 11, Topalov & Leko won!, Anand extends lead by full point!

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament 

Round 11 


Radjabov - Vishy Anand, 1/2 - 1/2
  (Intelligent Anand draws, increases lead to healthy 1 point, with little support from Carlsen loss)
Aronian - Vassily Ivanchuk, 1/2 - 1/2
  (Ivanchuk looked dangerous on Aronian's uncastled king, but could only share a point) 
Topalov - Shirov, 1-0
  (short game, Topalov got a classic center!, later had put a HUGE attacking game!!!!! and won!) 
Leko - Carlsen, 1-0
  (After a while, Leko recovered!, looked like Carlsen utterly collapsed in the end game, Leko won!) 

1. Vishy Anand, 7.0 
2-4. Carlsen, Aronian and Topalov, 6.0 
5-6. Radjabov & Vassily Ivanchuk, 5.0 
7-8. Shirov & Peter Leko, 4.5 


Monday, March 3, 2008

25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess, Round 10 & 9, Anand maintains lead!! Carlsen just behind!!

The 25th Linares-Morelia 2008 chess tournament

Round 10 

Anand - Carlsen ½-½ (as usual Anand is as cool as he would, maintains lead!)
Shirov - Leko ½-½
Radjabov - Aronian ½-½
Ivanchuk - Topalov ½-½ (looked like Ivanchuk was better up 1 pawn, but lost it?)

1. Vishy Anand 6.5
2. Magnus Carlsen 6.0
3. Levon Aronian 5.5
4. Veselin Topalov 5.0
5-7. Teimour Radjabov, Alexei Shirov and Vassily Ivanchuk 4.5
8. Peter Leko 3.5

All in one, good interface!!

Vishy Anand - Magnus Carlsen

Round 9

Anand - Aronian ½-½
Topalov - Radjabov ½-½
Carlsen - Shirov 1-0 (1 BIG error move, and no more moves! lost the game ?? - shows loss of concentration)
Leko - Ivanchuk 0-1 (looked like, Leko allowed a unnecessary long lasting pin, and later allowed a pawn to restrict the Kings movement completely, and lost ?)

1. Vishy Anand 6.0
2. Magnus Carlsen 5.5
3. Levon Aronian 5
4. Veselin Topalov 4.5
5-7. Teimour Radjabov, Alexei Shirov and Vassily Ivanchuk 4
8. Peter Leko 3


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