
Friday, January 25, 2008

Corus Chess 2008 - 2 Rounds to go, Who wins?

Just 2 rounds to go, who will win?

Group A:

Aronian only needs 1 win and 1 draw to win the Corus Chess Tournament 2008 title!
In next 2 rounds, if none of Radjabov, Carlsen & Anand had a win,
then Aronian needs only a win & draw to get atleast joint 1st place

To be on the safe side, Radjabov, Carlsen & Anand had to win the last 2 rounds

For Anand, in the last round, it looks difficult to win as he has to play against Kramnik, the ultimate solid draw game player, assuming Anand wins one of the most erratic van Wely (now in the last position, along with Eljanov, who surprised Polar in 11th round, his only win!)

For Carlsen, the chances are very weak, as the has to play the most motivated Rajbadov, and the Kramnik.

For Radjabov he has to force a win against Carlsen which is that easy too, else his chances at winning on Leko, the most solid chess player, is very mere!

Lets not hope all (or most) these will loose one game, some one from the 3rd position will come to 2nd/ 1st place! Quite possbile!

Anand shud win this tournament to prove, again, he is Master! of Corus Chess! too!

Group B:

Looks most probably one of these will win:
1. S. Movsesian 8
2. E. Bacrot, N. Short 7½

4. P. Harikrishna, I. Nepomniachtchi 6½

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Corus Chess 2008, Round 11, Anand won!

Anand won!

Carlsen Vs Anand played a complicated game!
Ofcourse, complicated game for us and Carlsen, not for Anand!
Anand was played like breeze.

Carlsen gave all the pawns and other material for Queening a pawn his only hope, just to find it not possible, so he resigned!

33rd move of Carlsen is critised as a move which weakened his chances of a draw

Great fight though by Carlsen!
Anand won! with Black!

So, Anand got 1 more point, and Carlsen at the same points.

What a climbing! - Recall that Anand was the bottom!, now at the 2 place!

Here is the game!

Aronian easily won on Van Wely!
Aronian gave Knight (step 26) for FREE!, can't believe Van Wely took it, as in 2 more steps, Van Wely had to pay the price giving his Queen
15 more moves were played just like that!

Aronian won! and got the Sole lead position!

Here is the game!

Gelfand was busy picking up pawns (35th move), just to find that he was force-checkmated by Rajbadov! in 3 steps (??). Guess, Gelfand shud be more attentive!

Rajbadov's had easy win!

Here is the game!


Aronian, previously 2nd, now became 1st position!

Rajbadov, Anand & Carlsen tie at 2nd position! (half point behind the leader)

As Kramnik could only draw his game, he will be at the 3rd position only

The winner of Ivanchuk Vs Adams drew joined at 3rd position!

Also, good tactic win by Eljanov on Polgar.

Topalov could only draw on Mamedyarov, with white.


In group B standings

1. S. Movsesian 8
2. E. Bacrot, N. Short 7½
4. P. Harikrishna, I. Nepomniachtchi 6½

Harikrishna won on, recently more in the news, the handshake one, I. Cheparinov

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Corus Chess 2008, 24th Jan, rest day!

Corus Chess 2008

24th Jan, is rest day so Round 11 will resume tomorrow.

Wish you a great day ahead!

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